Everything as Components
Everything in Shift is made of Components to develop Components
Presentational vs Container Components
It's easier to organize, reuse and think in components using the Presentational Component and Container Component patterns. They often are referred as Dumb and Smart, Pure and Stateful, Skinny and Fat, Screens and Components, and other conventions but the core ideia is the same when it comes to two different types of components.
This concepts will make it easier to sepparate the layers of "layout" and "logic and data" in the way we use and develop components.
Shift signals if you are dealing with a Presentationall or Container components by their ####(color?) in the Component-Tree
Presentation Components
Components that are stateless and therefore don't deal with state, focus on UI rather than behaviour.
Container Components
Treated as high-level components, deal with state management and have their own lifecycle methods either to control inputs or fetch data.
Root Components
How Root Components work and what for
How Symbols work and what for